2M Social Distancing Rule To Be Lifted In UK – Boris Johnson.


The British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, will in the coming days, lift the two-metre social distancing rule adopted worldwide as a measure to contain the spread of Covid19 virus in the United Kingdom.

This is coming as the World Health Organisation (WHO) stated that one metre is a safe distance to avoid spread of coronavirus.

The risk of catching the virus at one metre is 2.6 per cent, compared with 1.3 per cent at two metres. But this can be cut dramatically by other measures such as wearing face masks or taking regular breaks.

New research shows that sitting one metre apart side-by-side, as is common in many offices, is just as safe as facing someone two metres away.

Scientists have drawn up a list of imaginative new ways to make it safer for people to work or socialise within one metre of each other.

Faced with with millions of job losses under current guidelines, Prime Minister Boris Johnson is expected to make the cut conditional on a continued fall in the infection rate and bosses agreeing to alternative regulations.

Tory MPs and ministers have warned only a third of pubs, restaurants and cafes will open for business if the two-metre rule stays in place.

The move to change social distancing rule could be timed for when the hospitality trade reopens in July.


The Sun.

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